Monthly Archives: November 2021


A hot topic in my life recently has been about “leagues” or “classes”. I, personally, struggle with this in a multitude of ways. I have had a few conversations with people closest to me that have helped me understand that “other side” of the coin….but still.

I have had three people tell me that I am “out of their league” or I’m “intimidating”. I question why. What is it about me that makes me SO unreachable? I seem to come back to thinking that it must be something wrong with me. Do I have actions that communicate that idea?

Each time I’ve been told that – I ask why. I want details. I want the information. Help me understand what it is about me that encourages a person to feel this way. It is interesting in the fact that the feedback I receive isn’t negative. It is, actually, quite positive in my eyes. I am strong. I am independent. I am intelligent. I have goals. I have empathy. I care. Do these things put me in a different “league” or “class”? And if they do, then why? They are things I am very proud of.

Lets look at this from both a professional and a personal perspective. Professionally, I have a certain ethic. I like things done correctly and efficiently ALL of the time. I am my own worst critic when I make a mistake. And I know that things don’t always work perfectly. But, I’m kind of a hard ass there, if I’m honest. I’ll own it. I take pride in what I do and I want it to show in my workmanship.

I give the same dedication and devotion to my personal life – putting that dedication into so many different areas. My children, for instance. The lights of my life. As many times over the years of disagreements and arguments – would give my life for them in a second. I support THEIR values even if they don’t match my own. Because that is part of their individuality. It’s not about ME. It’s about THEM.

I look at individuals as just that. Individuals. I don’t classify people. I don’t give a flying fuck about how much money someone makes, what kind of clothes they wear, how long is their hair, etc. You want to know what I care about?? CHARACTER! MORALS! VALUES! The most valuable lesson I ever learned was to NEVER judge a book by its cover. There is more than you could even imagine with what is inside of that cover. Yet, I find myself consistently being told “You’re out of my league”. Bullshit. Open your eyes. Broaden your horizons. Pull up on those bootstraps if you need to. But, can we PLEASE get away from stereotypes and unnecessary classifications?? I am just as simple as every other “regular Joe” out there. I find value in the down home country person who is living their best life and doing what they love. There is PASSION in that! There is consistency in that! There is pride in that! I find value in the person who is climbing the corporate ladder. It’s probably easier than the rancher/farmer working his/her land in some ways. But it is still admirable and it’s not easy Maybe we all use our brains differently. And that’s ok. I actually love that! Let’s just hope we are all using them!

I don’t belong in a league or a class. Can we just get that over with now? I am a person. You are a person. We are all unique and individual. That is an awfully beautiful thing to embrace.

Much love ❤

Dawn Stafford 11/21/21